Friday 25 November 2011

Chapter 1

...It had been going on for weeks.  I was affraid.  I didn't want to leave my bed.  I just wanted it-I wanted her to go away.

I don't remember how or why it started.  I didn't care, I wanted it to stop.

Lot's of people were, still are and will be bullied in this life, but what can anyone do about it really?  What could I do about it?  Stand up for myself?  I had tried and let's just say Flower, that it didn't go well.  Tell a teacher?  They wouldn't believe me.  Tell your parents?  How could I face my father and tell him that not only was I being bullied, but that I was being bullied.... my own "perfect" sister, Ellie.

But it's amazing how fast all my problems went away Flower.  In a matter of weeks, my problems were solved.  And it all started on that cold Tuesday morning in October.

"Good morning!" I called walking out of my room.  I herd Ellie let out a silent groan and say "Oh the perkey queen is back..." under her breath.

I ignored her and walked over to may dad, "Good morning Daddy!"  I called at him.  He nodded at me to let me know he herd me.  I sighed, isn't anyone in this house in a good mood today?  But I knew better.  Ever since mom had disapeared my dad never really did anything but sit on that stupid sofa and watch the news, looking for signs I guess.

And Ellie....well let's just say she had her own way of expressing her sadness.

Which usually involved tormenting me.  "You missed the bus again this morning." she called from the kitchen.  I moaned "Why didn't you wake me up?!" I yelled.  "It's fun to see you freak." She said with a devilish grin.

I turned my atention back to my dad "Dad? Will you drive me?" he didn't answer.  Great now I had to walk to school.  "Grab your bags sissy!" my sister called in a sickening tone, "We're gonna be late!"

So I set out wit my sister, staying 3 feet behind her at all times.  I didn't say a word to her and she ignored me...that is, until we passed our house.

Then she let her mean bleed out on me. 

"Stop walking so close!  I don't want anyone knowing I'm related to you." she yelled.  "I'm 3 feet away from you, trust me I don't want anyone knowing I'm related to you either!" I shouted back.

Back talk, not wise. "You little good for nothing, space wasting b-"  "Don't you dare call me that!" I shouted cutting her off.

"Well you right, your just my stupid little geek of a sister!" she hissed.  "Why are you so mean to me!? I am not a geek!  I just...I'm..." I couldn't even think of an argument.  The truth was, I was one.  "You see?!" she yelled back "You can't even think of a comeback!  What a nerd!"

"Stop it!" I screamed, but she just started laughing at me.  I couldn't take it anymore, I grabbed one of my textbooks and flung it at her, "SHUT UP!"

There was a long pause and then her expression change quickly.  My brain screamed 'RUN YOU FOOL!' but I couldn't move, I just stood there.   After a few moments, she spoke, "...Why you little..." she mumbled.  And with that, I ran.

I ran as fast as I could but I could hear her footsteps gaining on me.  I quickly turned and ran into the school and she chased me inside.  I'm dead.

When I got in the school, Ellie seemed to disapear.  I looked around quickly to see if she was around, but I didn't see her.  Relieved I began to walk towards my locker but then I was stopped.

"Ellie!  Please don't hurt me!" I cried.  "Oh don't worry I won't hurt you," she breathed gritting her teeth, "I'm going to kill you!"

I tryed to run again but Ellie stopped me every way I turned.  Her eyes filled with joy as I began to back away.  And then....

She reached out and grabbed my throat.

Click HERE if you wanna Rec.

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